Saturday was the big Seersucker Social here in DC, the Summer bike ride and lawn party held by the magnificent
Dandies and Quaintrelles up at the
Hillwood estate museum. I'm confess to wimping out of the bike ride, but had a smashing time with my fella at the garden party walking round all the gardens, admiring the Post family house and art collections as well as the areas best dressed in their best dresses!
The parts stretched across several of the gardens, with lawn badminton, croquet for anyone feeling "sporty", cocktails and even a wet plate photographer.
The house I had wanted to visit for a long time, so many wonderful 18th century portraits, the opulent decor is a dream, and the tea cups, oh my gosh the tea cups! I had read up a little on the collection and was still amazed by how much was on display. All the people who worked at the museum were wonderful too, and let me bore them about my necklace :)
Yesterday really was the best day ever to go see the estate, with all the people dresses to the nines, the activities and the music it felt rather like stepping into a Hemingway novel. You could almost believe the house was still lived in and that you were one of the fabulous socialites at one of Mrs Post's gatherings.
Dandy Wellington and the made to fit band MCed and played through out the event. They are a great outfit and worth checking out!
The weather was perfect for this time of year, a mere 82°F, which was just comfortable enough for all the crinolines I had managed to pull on under my dress! The people there were all so wonderful and friendly it was great meeting so many new people at the event. The afternoon seemed to just fly by, and it was hard to believe we'd been there as long as we had (till I took off the 5" heels I'd been wearing all day, my feet told the story only too well!)
Visit the
Dandies and Quaintrelles website to find out more about future events and sign up
I'm super excited already for the next Tweed ride and part come Autumn, so looking forward to doing it all over again!
There were some fantastic photographers out there, check out the
Flickr pool for some great shots of the ride and the lawn party