Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quaintrelle Give Away!

First up I want to say a big thank you to everyone who follows Quaintrelle Life!

Since we are now just over 250 followers here on the blogger, it seems like jolly good timing for a good old fashioned give away!

Up for grabs is this little instant wardrobe set of accessories including white gloves, hair bows, Lipstick (in Carmine), and some of my favorite teas.  Everything you need to turn your favorite vintage dress into your favorite vintage outfit.

I really enjoy writing this blog, so this might be a good time too to find out more about what you enjoy reading here (to make sure you have as much fun reading it!) and that's the theme for the give away...

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment on this post letting me know what you would like to see more of on this blog! (in keeping with the blogs focus, so please nothing specific to lolita)
  • You must be a follower of this blog (LJ followers please follow us here to enter, we can do more with the blog if we can show people a more accurate number of our followers at the side here)
  • The Give away is open till October 20th and the winner will be drawn out of a hat, and announced October 21st! (Drawing has been moved to the 23rds since I'm out of town again till then)
Good luck guys!


  1. More tutorials, accessories and styling (which you already do, but more would be great) for example, or tips on your hair styling and make up as it is wonderful and integral to the image?

  2. More hairstyles and if possible hairstyle tutorials. I would love to know how to style my hair so effortlessly.

  3. I would love to see more tips on vintage hair styling for girls with natural curl! Maybe also more styling tips geared towards a specific era. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

    gilland [at] etsu [dot] edu

  4. Vintage ettiquette and more hair how-to's.

  5. I would like to see some Video blogs from you--steps to make the perfect cup of tea, tours of the new kitchen, soda recipes, hair tutorials, peeks into your closet, etc!

  6. I'm really fond of "lifestyle" stuff, from housewares to soda recipes. I'm also so, so in love with your fashion photos!

  7. dootsie said...
    I'm really fond of "lifestyle" stuff, from housewares to soda recipes. I'm also so, so in love with your fashion photos

    And I think I goofed my follow thing, but I subscribe via my gmail account amanda.harper

  8. I would love to see more vintage beauty tips! I love when you post about manicures, hair tips, and things like that, because they're such a good way to incorporate vintage elegance into daily life. They're usually also very affordable and easy to do, since they come from a time when women had fewer resources (like time and money) to devote to their appearance.

  9. I'd love to see things on corsets, DIY projects, and progress photos of your own works before you post the finished results :)

    (BTW I follow on LJ but was getting an error on trying to comment with my account! Hope this is okay :))

  10. I would to see more on vintage styles of dress, and maybe some makeup tutorials too.

  11. More photos. I love when you post photos XD And I do like when you post about your adventures in flower-flavored sodas.

    I have no idea how to follow people on these things :C

  12. I'm seconding the 'lifestyle' suggestion, and more furniture, accessories, etc.

  13. Vintage handbags! I don't think you've posted any handbags other than ones you've made.

  14. I love the focus on 40's and my Paperdoll girls do, too!

  15. I'm following on google reader.
    I'd like to see more of:
    wardrobe! More, more, more. I love vintage style.
    And not necessarily just things you sell. I'd like to see your day to day outfits too. :)
    hairstyles! You have really cute hair (cut and color) I'd like to see how you style it.

    Thanks! Great giveaway.

  16. I follow on livejournal. I would really like to see budget options. Like, free craft patterns, or thrifting stories, maybe user submitted. I know there are a lot of us that are poor college students, so it would be great to see what people can find and make when they put their mind and heart into it. Thriftyness would be super, "waste not, want not" type deal.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  17. I would like to see more tutorials, soda, crafts, history on aspects of style, day outfits, furniture, lifestyle, recipes etc.

  18. Definitely hairstyle tutorials, more on vintage etiquette, and dressing on a budget.

  19. I personally love the tutorials. Those are great to follow along with.

  20. Like everyone else I'm down for more tutorials (hair, crafts.etc.), but I also really love your advice posts like the one about taking time and actually eating a nice breakfast (sitting down no less) and how it just improves your whole day.d

  21. I'd also like to see more tutorials. And more coordinates!

  22. i'm on the tutorial boat as well! but i really love outfit posts! and would love to see daily outfit photos, and all the different outfits you can create with one dress.

  23. More tutorials, please! [like everyone else, apparently]

  24. I'd like to see more about Vitorian/Edwardian and possibly more about recipes and food xxxx

  25. I'd like to see more coordinate photos - you always look so great! I also really enjoy recipes and tutorials. :)

  26. I agree with the other posters, more tutorial post would be nice. Especially ones focusing on hairstyles for different types of hair. More coordinate post would be nice as well : D

  27. I'd like to see more posts on beauty and style. Plus, how about them tutorials? That'd be nice!

  28. Vintage hairstyle tutorials (like Marilyn curls or fingerwaves!)And make-up reviews or something like that?

  29. A little off topic, but I would like to see more fancygirl (18th century) tutorials. I also miss seeing your millinery!

  30. I definitely agree with every one else who's said more tutorials. =)

  31. Definitely hairstyle tutorials {you can never have too many!}. I follow you via GFC.

  32. .。+゚❤ It'd be lovely to see more recipes and some more arts and crafts posts. Other than that, perfect blog❤゚+。.

  33. Lovely lovely, thank you so much for a giveaway!
    I want to see more posts in general of course! But I'd really love to see vintage hair styling tutorials, that's my ultra weak point. :)

  34. I love everything this blog already does! Maybe I would love to see more what you are wearing though!

    I'm a google reader follower already ^o^

    By the way, thank you for your kind message the other day and letting me know about the affiliate thing. I'll have to reregister though because I really can't remember my username :'D.

  35. I'd also like to see more vintage hair/styling tutorials, as well as millinery and outfit photos. =)

  36. i´d love to see more hairstyle tutorials. i´m allways looking for that in blogs . And fashion photos too.

  37. More lifestyle and clothing posts, please!

  38. More tutorials and more stuff that inspires you in general - pictures, music, etc. I'd like to see what sparks the creative process

    PS. I follow on Google Reader!

  39. Oh Jesus, I love this blog even more now, if it's possible.
    I think I'd like to see more tutorials :)

    francivusk at hotmail dot it

  40. I love this blog already, but since you asked I would love to see more posts on styling and etiquette.


  41. I love your outfit posts, things you really wear. Anything about style/clothes/make-up is welcome with me :)

    I follow as Ruthy on GFC

  42. Hi! I really enjoy reading your blog. I'd love to see more tutorials or tips on how to bring a little vintage elegance into my daily routine. Decorating, food, small accessories which do a great job. Thanks for all posts that already exist!
    Best wishes,

  43. I absolutely adore your lifestyle posts and tutorials, so I would really love to see more of them. I'd especially enjoy more content related to sodas, as I also don't drink alcohol and would love to have more delicious, yet mature, alternatives.


  44. I always admire your hair and I would LOVE to see more hair tutorials.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Tutorials are always fun, so more of those, please. I just found your blog through Vintage Network and it's so great. Just started following.

    I actually have a giveaway happening on my blog as well:

  47. That's a difficult question to answer, as I love what you post already. I love the variety you use, such as soda recipes, hair tutorials, and discussions about retro and antique devices for the home and boudoir. I think I would like to see some makeup tutorials and how to make more things, such as accessories for one's self and the home.

    Also, you inspired my boyfriend to purchase a soda stream for our last anniversary, and I've been delighted by it. So thank you. ^_^

    And thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely set.

  48. I'd love to read how you go about your fabulously vintage day.

  49. I love all of your posts so far. I would like to see some post about hair styling and make up as well ways you bring vintage into your everyday life.

  50. I would like to see more Hair tutorials...maybe should the opportunity arise, different hair types?
    Also: MAKE-UP!!! I am LOST on this most of the time. I love the historical bits, and the information as to back ground on what you are currently working on.

    I would especially love ideas for putting together outfits for special occasions: weddings (my impending wedding is most of my thinking right now); Christmas, Halloween (classy, pretty, but still flirty and sexy without being skeezy, maybe even along the lines of vintage costumes); holidays, and other special events.

  51. I'd love to see more tutorials. I'm a very crafty so I love tutorials!

  52. I'd love to see some more beauty how-to's! Specifically skincare; all the vintage ladies had lovely porcelain-like skin but how did they maintain it? More craft tutorials would be fantastic as well! Thanks for writing this amazing blog!

  53. I really liked you last post, listing the pros and cons of getting a drastic haircut. I'd like to see more support for hair styling, since that is something there aren't many resources for! Maybe you can do a tutorial for retro hairstyles, or how to style hair while wearing a hat or vintage hair accessory?

    I'd also like to see something along the lines of "this item, worn several ways", like a vintage dress, scarf, or cardigan. I'm sort of clueless on where to start when it comes to vintage fashion, but maybe if you showed some staples and how to work them a few ways, the style would be more accessible for beginners. ^^ Rock on!

  54. Like most everyone, I love your outfit/hair posts. However, I would also love to see more things like: magazine clipping posts, reviews of your favourite Golden Age of Hollywood movies, actress spotlights, advice on vintage styling (or how to get certain looks i.e. from movies, photos etc) and, well, anything vintage inspired you can think of!

    Keep up the good work!

  55. I would like to see posts on putting outfits together, getting the "polished" finished look.

    I follow on blogger :)

  56. I love the vintage style, which is the focus of this blog. My tastes run from the English Regency to the 1960s, so it's a good match. I watch this blog for hairstyling tips as well as the ways in which you recommend how it's possible to incorporate vintage style with the modern look. My hair is very long. I normally wear it in a chignon or in garland braids or a French twist. But I wonder if there are vintage styles for very long hair. As my hair reaches halfway down my thigh and curls close to the bottom, I would appreciate styling tips for long hair.

  57. p/s: I do follow this blog on blogger.

  58. I'd to see more tutorials for styling your hair, and perhaps crafts?

    I'm following on blogger (after having your page bookmarked for ages)

  59. I know I'll sound like a broken record, but I would love more tutorials on hairstyling! Your locks always look flawless and I'd love to try recreating those looks. Also more outfit posts, maybe, and I'd love to see posts on vintage style food and beverages and being the perfect vintage hostess. Eating and drinking the same things as someone 50+ years ago is really great...I feel so connected with the past...creepy cool: )

  60. I love your lifestyle posts. The addition of a little pleasant gentility makes my day so much better. :)

  61. Lifestyle stuff is great! And it's because you can try to do all the stuff yourself after reading your blog. It's inspiring.

  62. I'd love to see more hairstyles! I hardly know how to use rollers, so I need help!
