Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vintage Princess de Lamballe

It's been a while since there was any vintage period costumes on this blog! So for all those Marie Antoinette fans out there, here are a few hand tinted (by little ol' me) photos of the lovely Anna Louise as the Princess de Lamballe in the 1938 Marie Antoinette movie!

The gowns in this movie were all designed by the marvelous Adriane. I can only imagine how dazzling the sets must have looked with all these amazing dresses walking around in full glorious color!

Like I always say, there's something so magical about period movies from the 30's-50's, the mix of the styles of the time, with the fashion history we love that makes such an irresistible mix. Glamor and opulence! I'm also a big fan of the costumes on secondary roles, they pop up so much less often so they are always exciting to see.


  1. How stunning :D I simply adore the dress in the second picture. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These pictures look great. I must see this movie!

    bittersweet (www.verycrazy.blog.cz)

  3. The 1938 Marie Antoinette has to be one of my all-time favourite costume flicks. Lovely job tinting the photos, they look really lovely!

  4. Oh my, those are gorgeous! I especially love the details on the skirt. <3 I'll have to see this film!

  5. wow those images are breathtaking
