Monday, March 28, 2011

Long Purple Hair

This I pretty much a non post really, but I had my hair re-purpled again recently, and remembered I never had chance to take any photos last time I went this color!

I went blonde a few years back after about 7 years or rainbow colored hair. I can only seem to stick with a hair color  for about 2 years tops before getting kind of bored, when i get the hair dye wanderlust it's time for a change. The current hair color I've settled on is lilac! The soft color is much easier to co-ordinate than my old bright violet hair, plus as it fades out it turns to the most perfect champagne blonde ready for the next color experiment (thinking dusty rose next time around).

This has been the first time I've had hair light enough to play with pastel colors. It might not be the most vintage hair color on the block, but it's proving to be a lot of fun for Spring!

(when I was a little girl I loved The Sword in The Stone movie, and more than any of the Disney princesses, I loved madame mim! I loved her long purple hair. This color kind of reminds me of that XD.)


  1. I love soft colors like that! The purlple looks lovely :)

  2. What a pretty shade of purple--it suits you so well!

  3. It is so adorable and beautiful! You look amazing! :D

  4. Tres' fabulosa!!! love the rockabilly styling in the pic!

  5. That is such a fabulous colour!
    Love me some Mad Mim. :D

  6. That color really suites you and it would look gorgeous with fun, playful 50s styles and prints!

  7. Gorgeous! ♥ I wish I could color my hair like that... But I think it's a rare tone and might not be available in the salon.

  8. OMG, Madame Mim was one of my favorite cartoon ladies when I was young- I had totally forgotten about her! I freaking loved Sword and the Stone. This color looks amazing on you, by the way- it's perfect with your skin tone!

  9. The colour is so pretty! <3 I'd always thought colours like purple would look unnatural, but it looks really natural here.

  10. Oh I love it! ♥ Purple as a hair colour has never occurred to me but it looks wonderful on you and I'm totally envious!
