Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Red and Blue

We're getting ready to start the big remodel on our downstairs right now as the first step to turning our house into something of a mid century modern Quaintrelle palace! The kitchen is the part I'm currently most excited about, our current set up is pretty non functioning, and more outdated than retro cool. I've been scouring the internet for ideas and coming up with a plan.

A great source of inspiration for interior vintage style has been old flooring company ads like Armstrong Linoleum. American Vintage Home over on flicker has an amazing collection from the 1920's through to the 60's. I love the bright colors and clean lines a lot of them have. In my head I have something of a red and turquoise theme going on with birch cabinets. Something kinda fun and punchy! I'll be taking some before photos and keeping the blog updated with the progress we make!

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