Friday, March 12, 2010

We Have a Blog!

Quaintrelle Life is my new blog that I'll keep updated alongside the Fancy Girl site! A kind of Modern day ladies book featuring fashion, home, hobby and lifestyle features much as an old Victorian ladies book like Goodies would have done.

My focus is on time warp living, and covers historical periods from the 18th century, up to the more modern early to mid 20th century.

I've been writing and updating the Fancy Girl for a few years now. Sometimes I dig up some neat little tidbit of interest, that just doesn't quite fill a full article so, I figured for things like that a sister blog would be the perfect medium!

Here I'll talk about my Quaintrelle life, everything from my adventures turning my house from ex bachelor pad into a vintage/historically inspired abode, teacup collecting, style and of course site updates and mini features that compliment the site!

I hope a few fancy Girl fans will follow us here for some fun!

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