Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Another discovery from our stop in the Hague was a silghtly perplexing but utterly thrilling breakfast tradition, Hagleslag!

What it basically is, is chocolate sprinkles you eat with bread and butter. The little boxes above the bread board at the hotel was the first thing I went for, and as odd as it seemed to my outsider eyes, it really is a wonderful snack/breakfast treat!

The Sprinkles (or curls if you feel fancy) are much different the the waxy ones we see here in the States on top of ice cream. They are extra chocolaty and genuinely tasty!

It is fairly easy to pick up some of the hagelslag here in the States from either World Market or Amazon. Once you have them all you need a a nice slice of good bread (preferably brown) a bit of butter spread across it to hold the sprinkles in place, then pour on as many as you fancy and enjoy!

We got a nice selection from a grocery store by the hotel you wouldn't believe the selection available over there! I hope you'll give it a shot as well, you'll feel terribly continental and like a happy kid all at the same time!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bling Shoe

Dita Von Teese's closet
It's true that even some of the outrageous shoes of days gone by pale compared to today's spectacular skyscrapers, it's true also that  one big influence on a lot of modern takes on retro style comes from neo-burlesque performers and modern pin up shoots. Meaning period accurate, or fetish tall it never hurts to put a little bling in your step!

On my recent UK trip I came home with quite the shoe haul Some vintage accurate, some 21st century awesome!

On a more period accurate look I was given these beauties from Giuseppe Zannoti for Xmas. They have a more walkable, retro appropriate heel, the gold touches inside the the leather straps and the ultra sparkly crystal fronts to me simply scream Jean Harlow! I love these puppies and I'll admit they feel like a vacation to wear something so simultaniously glamorous and walkable! These may well be the classiest shoes I own, so golden age Hollywood!

For the more burlesque inspired side of retro styling I came across these crystal encrusted 6" high crazy pumps from Kandee shoes! They have that performance extravagance, and invite "how does she walk in those?" stares. I've been dreaming of a shoe like this for years. Insane hights, different sized crystals over so soft suede. Perfect! They even have glitter soles in matching colors so no matter which angle you look at them they dazzle!

I was so smitten I got them in 2 colors. Purple because it's so pretty, and green for practicality (in the quaintrelle sense of the word), and because it's insanely beautiful. The floral dress was a vintage staple, and with a nice pair of green shoes you'll always have the footwear to match your favorite floral frocks by picking out the green in any stems of leaves, it's also a color that compliments a whole range of shades, pick up some green shoes and you'll be amazed how versatile they'll be. On top of that what girl born in May could turn down emerald slippers?! Not I!

Nice shoes are indeed like red lipstick, no matter how blue you feel or even if you're having a "feeling dowdy" kind of day, throw either of these 2 things on and you'll feel like a star!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dresses and Dolls Oh My!

OK I'm back in the county, my body has adjusted back to the right time zone, so it's time to start blogging!

Whilst over in the UK for the past month (ish) we flew over for a few days in the Netherlands staying in the Hague. By pure luck one of the museums out there had 2 amazing temporary exhibitions running at that time with my name written all over them! A huge collection of dolls, miniatures and doll houses from the 17th century up, and a collection of fashion from the early 1900's to today, and their inspirations in fine art. Three things I love most in the world all together in one place!

The doll exhibition was the first bit we hit up. It really is amazing the details that used to go into these things. One of the first  things I noticed was a great Dior bar suit Barbie in all her 50's glamor. I love the suit in full scale, and it was captivating again in miniature!

A simmering fondness of Queen Anne dolls was heated up a little too. They had some wonderful 18th century examples all with their brocade dresses and fluffy wigs! One day I'd love to make one, but that's another project for another day.

The fashion exhibition was a real winner too. I loved seeing Schiaparelli's dresses and accessories in person again, and a little tableau of Vivienne Westwood gowns with an 18th century flare gave a bit of a taste of the recent Versailles fashion exhibit I messed. I never get tired of seeing beautiful silks in opulent settings!

Sure we had to walk over 2 miles each way in gale force winds and pouring rain, but I can safely say it was well worth it!

You can see more from the exhibition over on the Gemeentemuseum's website. XXSmall and Fashion ♥ Art. For now here are a few of the photos I managed to get whilst we wandered round...

(I promise a break from dolls next post and some more food inspiration instead!)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Operation 2012

Whilst a new year is pretty much the same as any new day, it always feels like a good point for a fresh start.

To blast this year off right, I'm writing down a few things I want to do more of this year to push myself and challenge myself with for a successful, fulfilling 2012!

  1. Shameless Self promotion. I have a hard time putting myself forward, but this year I'm going to work harder at promoting myself and my label. I'm starting the year with another bit in Vogue (UK) so that's going to be my starting point!
  2. Keep up with blog and zine sites. I have so many things I'd love to share, and so many planned articles from last year that never got written. I hope to try and find more time to work at keeping Quaintrelle Life, Dolly Datdream and even Kanzahicore updated and fun to Visit.
  3. Make something crazy. I want to finally invest in an insanely extravagant show piece. I've had ideas for years but always been shy of investing the insane time and capital needed to bring such a project to life.
  4. Be more social. I can be a bit of a work hermit online and in person, I'm going to take more time to be a social butterfly and better enjoy the wonderful people and opportunities I have around me. ( all work and no play and all that jazz)
  5. More lingerie. I love exquisite underwear, lounge wear, corsets, petticoats, etc... This year I'm going to explore these much deeper and get further in touch with my decadent lacy side!
  6. Get fitter. I let a lot slide this past year, but I hope a positive start this year will help me get back on the wagon and take better care of myself. I fell better when I do and it gives me more energy for the things in life I don't neglect.

Every day is a good day to make a resolution, and start making a positive change. We can take a look at ourselves at any point and decide on changes to make our lives more the way we want them to be. I know I'll be finding new resolutions and challenges to take on every day of year, but for right now these are a few of the things I'd like to see and do for myself to make 2012 a collection of days I can look back on happily come 2013 :).